This sturdy, tough mid-sized dog breed originated in France and has a long history as a hunting and family dog. Basset Fauves not only excel at hunting but are also loving family dogs, performing outstandingly in both roles.
Inside the house they are affectionate, caring and playful, and truly enjoy the attention of children. They are perfect for households with multiple dogs, as they are very friendly and tolerant. The more company, the more they enjoy themselves. You will find them sleeping a lot…preferably somewhere cozy in between a pack of many dogs!
Basset Fauve De Bretagnes are very attentive, listen to commands and are super fast at completing tasks – even outside the house. They have great endurance and love to comply, as they are keen to be praised for it. You will find them trying to excel at each and every job.
Their coats are hard and coarse to protect them from the winds. They require regular brushing to keep their coat free of sticks and leaves.
Weight: | 16-18 kg |
Health risk: | Medium |
Life expectancy: | 11-14 years |
Coat: | Medium |
Grooming intensity: | Low |
Monthly cost (food): | average |
Trainability: | High |
Activity level: | High |